With their excellent insulation properties, they are the optimal solution when it comes to low energy consumption. The increase in environmental awareness, the price of energy sources and the knowledge about the limitation of fossil fuels as well as the need to reduce the emission of harmful gases in the atmosphere, resulted in the larger construction of the so-called low-energy facilities.
The criterion for classifying an object as a low-energy object is the limitation of its energy consumption to 48 kWh/m2/year. By building low-energy buildings, with negligible additional investments (from 5% to 10% of the total investment), and due to the short payback period, large energy savings are achieved. It should be noted that 70% of the total energy consumption „goes“ to space heating. At the same time, the construction of such facilities achieves extremely significant reductions in the emission of harmful gases (CO2). For example, a low-energy building emits almost twice as many harmful gases per year as a building built on the basis of basic building regulations, and a „passive house“ as the „most extreme“ example of a low-energy building emits up to 5 times less than a low-energy building.



Low energy consumption buildings in the west are a concept on which the present in construction is absolutely based.
The chart does not show poorly insulated buildings of classic construction that consume > 250 KWh/m2/year. ie >25 l/m2/year.
Low-energy standard – is an integral part of prefabricated construction and, compared to classic construction, ensures energy savings of 60% to 90%. If the consumption standard of up to 40 kWh/m2 is reached, such low-energy buildings are called „three-liter houses“ because they consume 3 liters of oil per m2 and represent an ideal example of a low-energy building
A zero-energy house is a house that fully meets all its energy needs. Along with reduced energy consumption, this type of construction reduces environmental pollution and emissions of harmful gases because waste is also managed rationally.
In addition to great energy savings, low-energy buildings stand out with a unique construction technology made of natural and ecological materials that are recycled, which are significant advantages compared to the classic building construction system.
Thermal resistance R=_m2 K/W for different European countries
- Portugalsko 4%
- Španělsko 6%
- Itálie 9%
- Belgie 10%
- Slovensko 12%
- Maďarsko 14%
- Česká republika 16%
- Velká Británie 17%
- Německo 20%
- Slovinsko 21%
- Švýcarsko 22%
- Rakousko 22%
- Polsko 23%
- Francie 26%
- Nizozemí 28%
- Litva 30%
- Lotyšsko 31%
- Estonsko 39%
- Finsko 42%
- Švédsko 62%
- Dánsko 62%
- Norsko 63%
- Rusko 70%
With ecological materials, we provide adequate thermal resistance – R in accordance with the climatic area.
Like the classic one, it starts with the foundations of the house, which are made of concrete, concrete blocks or on piles according to the project. The walls are made of a load-bearing wooden structure, coated with fire-resistant and water-resistant gypsum fiber boards with mineral wool filling, with the installation of a vapor barrier on the inside of the outer walls. Also, the load-bearing structure consists of impregnated wooden panels, and on the outside, the walls are covered with Styrofoam and wooden slats, or the so-called finishing is done. Demit facade. The mezzanine structure is made of a lattice girder with an underlay made of plasterboard and the necessary insulation, while the roof structure is made of lattice wooden girders. On the upper side of the support, a full board formwork is placed, over which the cardboard is placed, on which the roof racks and the roof covering made of glass, tiles or sheet metal are attached. On the lower side, a thin paneling is placed on which PVC foil is placed as a vapor barrier and mineral wool as insulation.
The retention of heat is outstanding as there are no cold bridges, and the full amount of energy required can be produced from renewable sources. Another advantage is speed, since we build a 100-square-meter building in 15 days. Such houses also effectively absorb noise coming from the street or from inside, thereby creating a pleasant atmosphere.
Environmental protection is the primary goal of low-energy buildings and maintains ecological awareness starting from the origin of raw materials, their production, packaging, transportation, construction and use to 100% recycling possibilities.
Also, during construction, no waste is created on construction sites, because the elements that are built according to our projects and sketches are brought from the factory prepared and cut to the millimeter. The energy requirement that occurs is minimal compared to classic construction. The house can easily be converted into self-sustaining, with low costs depending on the energy needs. So we can meet our needs from natural, renewable energy sources, while protecting the environment.
It requires us to take care of meeting the following criteria when designing:
- A building of compact volume
- Good thermal insulation of the entire building envelope, insulation of internal rooms from unheated rooms
- Avoidance of thermal bridges
- Windows must be at least double-insulated glass, with high thermal properties, with a good seal, k<1.50W/m2K
- The use of renewable energy sources in passive and active means for obtaining hot water and electricity production (photovoltaic cells, etc.)
- Appropriate home technology (solar preparation for obtaining hot water, controlled ventilation with heat recovery, heat pumps, etc.)
- Placement of communal areas to the north
- The south side is glazed and open, the north side is closed
- Analysis and alignment of surface light openings
- Additional protection from the summer sun
- The possibility of double-sided ventilation through the windows
- Provide forced ventilation
- The possibility of pre-heating the air before entering the space
- Choose low-temperature heating systems and combine them with renewable energy sources
- Check out the build quality with Thermal
- External door with thermal insulation filling
- Optimal orientation of the interior space
Ekologické a kvalitní materiály, aplikace nejnovějších technologií, vysoce kvalifikovaný a motivovaný tým profesionálů, estetika a funkčnost s přísným dodržováním termínů a vašich představ jsou základními principy při tvorbě STECO domů pro LEPŠÍ ŽIVOT!